You people. You PEOPLE! I know that this happened months ago, but I am only now getting around to writing about it. I wish I could say that the delay was because it was so absolutely magnificent (which it was), but in truth, I simply haven’t had a moment to dedicate to writing about this most excellent of events. As fortune turns out, the lovely and sublime Sarah Lorraine, featured in the picture below (and a total heartbreaker, as you can see) has written up an excellent post on the topic, and I highly recommend you visit her site, as well as watch the video of Jason Schwartzman hosting Cribs at Versailles.
Pattens often had some kind of decoration or slashing on the straps and vamp closure. I’m delighted with the texture and flair that they give to otherwise utilitarian piece of footwear. The decorative oxide nails also are a nice touch, and contrast well with the light colored maple and vegetable tanned leather. I hope that Lisa will enjoy!
A birthday present for the wonderful Haley Z. Typical welted construction, though on this pair, I tucked in the insole almost a quarter of an inch all the way around. This has the benefit of tucking the outsole closer under the shoe, almost in line with the shoe edge, like in many of the portraits. You’ll also notice some unfortunate grinning along the welt seam – this is due to an experimental set of new threads that will be relegated to outsole stitching from this point on. Apologies for the poor picture!
I have been meaning to make a pair of viking shoes for the muse, the inspiration closest to my heart, Miss Sarah L. I also have the good fortune to present these in context, on the feet of the recipient as well! I dare say that they make the photo that much more compelling. In any event, these are out of Goubitz, 9th-10th C., from Vlaardingen. This type of decoration was very common on several examples, and there is a similar piece from Gdansk, Poland. This particular piece even had some remnant threads remaining in the leather.